Saturday, January 12, 2013


Who is really free?
The answer is, the one who really knows what freedom is.
Freedom is not just being free to do whatever you like, cause freedom never comes for free. It beholds many stories; told & untold: of heroes, martyrs and visionaries.
Freedom is a power, and power warrants for a great sense of responsibility, this responsibility comes to those who really know how to use it for good. And this comes only through education; in all forms. The eyes cant see what the mind doesn't know.

Freedom in wrong hands is a bizarre thing. Freedom without knowledge makes way in the making of a black hole, that sucks in all wise people, without their wisdom being utilized for upliftment of the society in various spheres.

Real freedom creates values: values that propagate through generations, values that earn good name for the society & nation; values that get imbibed into our lives as great customs, practices, protocols & philosophies.

Freedom is something that is worth fighting for. The ones who really don't know all modalities of freedom, can never fight for, they would rather enjoy bondage. They would gradually form a pathway to oblivion and if such people become prevalent in society, great nations ultimately perish.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Our Social Responsibilities: Don't Shy Away

At times some of us wake up and start talking about charity, philanthropy, moral values, human rights, corruption, religion and many more things. Good sign; whenever such things prevail, they are definitely commendable. Whoever opens his/her eyes to these things, can definitely do something good when motivated. Many movements, inspirational initiatives take place when such motivated people start planning greatly, with an aim to put an impression in the long walk of mankind.

The biggest welfare activity that a person can do for the society is abstaining from bad deeds. Not necessarily one has to be a hero to be a person with great social responsibilities, but one must be flawless. Great sense of moral values are definitely required, great lessons of simplicity will take many people towards such completeness.

All societies do mature, so do all countries, all communities, this must be the directions of all personalities in modern world; towards maturity, tolerance and assertiveness; all must coexist in good proportions. Questioning the current trends, faiths, beliefs, practice and knowledge has always been the starting point of many inventions, discoveries and innovations. In olden times it was difficult, sometimes deadly as we have heard the stories of some great inventors being punished by their contemporaries for creating a difference in the then set trends, but the world has moved on and new things have come into being, the beliefs of mankind has continued the voyage towards completeness, equality, freedom and independence.

The biggest drawbacks have been weak people who want easy comfort, trying to bypass the deserving in a futile attempt to achieve easy success. Such people, at times cant handle situations and create burden for the rest of the world, and future generations, history has always put them in unlit corners.

Key to all good things, is Education. Education to be strong enough to call a spade a spade and being able to  maintain the stance, without being unmoved by antagonizing forces. The education that brings in great sense of responsibility in proportion to great power, to win friends, maintain transparency and eradicate the darkness created by unscrupulous people.

Do we take steps in living such a life everyday? Shouldn't we?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Root of Interpersonal Relations

When two individuals interact, there's always a background; some circumstance. In one's world, every action, interaction, word & gesture keep their own significance. Most of us interact with expectation of some durable association, there is a hope of presenting the best parts of one's personality in the background, full of positive energy. It may go perfectly if there is no crisis in the environment. Many great interpersonal relations start in this setting, a present full of positive communication, with the hope of a future more blissful, benefiting both sides.

The opposite happens in presence of some crisis in the horizon. The roots may be pre-existent from past; or come into being in present due to immediate actions, words, impressions: a turbulence sets in. Many a times it is obsession-driven for some preoccupied individuals, resulting in some sort of impulsive behaviour. Here sets in the initiation of flow of some negative energy into the environment if there is resistance in any form from the other person(s).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Causations & Conclusions: Broaden Your View

Patience brings in all good things. It's always better to give a second thought and reflect post action, giving a chance to alternative hypotheses to form. Since time teaches us everything, heals everything & gives us a second chance, often. Hence it's the best to broaden our vision because we need to be in a ready position to act to perfection when time gives us a second chance. All is not gone in a single go, everything has got a follow through.

Broadening our vision simply makes us wiser; it not only helps us to think, analyse & plan that would reflect greatly on us in future, but also it suppresses our suspicions and give a direction to our inquisitiveness in a more fruitful direction, nullifying confusion of all sorts. It keeps our minds open to a thousand more solutions, burying all sorts of obsessions & negative impulses.

With our mere earthly souls & earthly minds, every new situation sort of traps us as many things are still new for us, irrespective of our experience & knowledge; often we just expect someone give us some support, some help. But a strong & visionary man carries his own beams, props & buttresses to every new situation, maintaining his standard.

Meeting new friends & getting lost in the jungle are two possible alternative outcomes in each situation of life. In the first you gain, secure your aides for future & come back assured. In the second, you lose whatever you have just to escape unscathed. A perfect spine is always required in order to convert every next unknown thing into a familiar one.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lying low often brings in peace & stability

In special circumstances, this proves handy. When you are subjected to vulnerable conditions and going through a lot of hostilities, it's always the best policy to lie low and work silently. A silent worker not only remains steady in his efforts, but also prevents many confusions. This gives a strong message both to friends & foes, that you haven't left the battle and you are not ready to lose ground. Defeat never descends upon the lives of such people. Often the most deserving is not given his due, but glory rises for him at the end. When conducive environment sets in, you just come out of your hideout, rendezvous' with your allies and move on to excel. Temporary humiliation must not shake a real hero, rather he greets each challenge with great humility, he sees it eye to eye, never thinks of escaping it nor tries finishing the battle with a blink of the eye. A real winner knows, the war is always on and he needs good people in his side, to remain forever unbeatable.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Routine life or the breaks, what do u remember the most?

Shorter memories are sweeter. As our weekdays are longer, we don't remember much about,eagerly we wait for the weekends so that something different can occur, some new & different places, food, music, people, voices & experiences: anything new is great. So is our long vacations, we become altogether different a person, our inner creativity gets unleashed. If it occurs once in a while, we feel alive.