Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Causations & Conclusions: Broaden Your View

Patience brings in all good things. It's always better to give a second thought and reflect post action, giving a chance to alternative hypotheses to form. Since time teaches us everything, heals everything & gives us a second chance, often. Hence it's the best to broaden our vision because we need to be in a ready position to act to perfection when time gives us a second chance. All is not gone in a single go, everything has got a follow through.

Broadening our vision simply makes us wiser; it not only helps us to think, analyse & plan that would reflect greatly on us in future, but also it suppresses our suspicions and give a direction to our inquisitiveness in a more fruitful direction, nullifying confusion of all sorts. It keeps our minds open to a thousand more solutions, burying all sorts of obsessions & negative impulses.

With our mere earthly souls & earthly minds, every new situation sort of traps us as many things are still new for us, irrespective of our experience & knowledge; often we just expect someone give us some support, some help. But a strong & visionary man carries his own beams, props & buttresses to every new situation, maintaining his standard.

Meeting new friends & getting lost in the jungle are two possible alternative outcomes in each situation of life. In the first you gain, secure your aides for future & come back assured. In the second, you lose whatever you have just to escape unscathed. A perfect spine is always required in order to convert every next unknown thing into a familiar one.

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